Who are womens climate action?


We're a non-hierarchical inclusive network, dedicated to taking a stand against inaction by the world’s governments and businesses in tackling the climate and ecological emergency.


We provide simple and effective actions with maximum impact for the climate. Our actions aim to bypass usual greenwashing and distraction techniques to strike at the roots of the climate emergency.


We tackle climate change through societal and political engagement and the withdrawal of finance for those funding or profiteering from fossil fuels or the exploitation of our planet.

Give us your best hour!

We are an unfunded organisation run entirely by volunteers. If you are concerned about the climate crisis, give us an hour of your best self! What are you brilliant at? Admin, social media, artwork, gardening, being shouty? Gift an hour of your brilliance and dedicate it to the climate and ecological emergency. We will find a role for you! Email us at: action@womensclimateaction.org or fill in the form below (it might not work, so if you know anything about web sites.... just sayin')

We’d love you to join our network. We’ll share ideas and stories around our actions for change. 

Join us and each week we’ll send you simple, but high-impact actions you can take to tackle the Climate Crisis.